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Brochures in a variety of sizes

This is one of our most refined products.

We want them to be more than simple brochures: they must tell the story of a company through pictures of the facility and the surrounding territory to which it belongs.

The collection of information from our representatives at the location is very important: in this manner, the client expresses its ideas and provides the material needed to create the corporate brochure.

This material is then processed by our graphic designers and submitted to approval of the client, who can propose ideas or changes.

If the client does not have material available, our professional photographer will choose, in agreement with the client, the best time to shoot the best pictures of the facility and its surrounding landscape.

The brochure will be ready to print only after client approval.

Our promotional brochures are available in a variety of formats:

Mini brochures:

These are brochures of the size of a business card or slightly bigger that include, in a handy pocket-size format, the key information regarding the business.

These brochures are printed in four colors front/back on glossy coated paper 170 g/sq.m, individually folded:

  • 3-panel brochure: when closed 6.7×10 cm – when open 21×10 cm
  • 4-panel brochure: when closed 6.7×10 cm – when open 27×10 cm
  • 5-panel brochure: when closed 6.7×10 cm – when open 30×10 cm

Standard brochures:

Traditional brochure comprising the number of pages chosen by the client: it may contain a significant amount of information and many pictures of the business.
These brochures are printed in four colors front/back and are individually folded.

  • 2-panel brochure: when closed 10X20 cm – when open 20X20 cm
  • 3-panel brochure: when closed 10X20 cm – when open 30X20 cm
  • 4-panel brochure: when closed 10X20 cm – when open 40X20 cm

Medium brochures:

This type of brochure offers more available space and therefore the information included can be more detailed and comprehensive:

  • 2-PANEL: printed in four colors front/back, individually folded, when closed 15X21 cm – when open 30X21 cm
  • 3-PANEL: printed in four colors front/back, individually folded, when closed 15X21 cm – when open 45X21 cm
  • 4-PANEL: printed in four colors front/back, 4 panels/8 pages, stapled, finished format size 15X21 cm
  • 6-PANEL: printed in four colors front/back, 6 panels/12 pages, stapled, finished format size 15X21 cm
  • 8-PANEL: printed in four colors front/back, 8 panels/16 pages, stapled, finished format size 15X21 cm
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